How can I help?

Donate: Both monetary donations as well as donations in kind are welcome. For donations in kind please check with us if it is logistical feasible. 

Spread a word: Help spread a word about Charity Alliance among your friends. If you run a website a link, if your publish something a gratis advertorial is more than welcome. Post about us on your facebook/twitter accounts!

Inform: Let us know about anything where you think Charity Alliance could do something. 

Volunteer Volunteerism includes striving for well-being of the neighbours, as well as the society at large. If you a doctor and would like to be a part of any medical camp do let us know. If you an architect/engineer and would like to help us with Alliance School buildings let us know. If you do business in something and you are ready to supply us things at cost to cost basis, do let us know. You are graphic designer and can help us with designing things, you are most welcome.  If you are good at counselling, you can make yourself available to spending time with children. Any way your think your skills or resources can be used for improving our lot, in developing a better society, do let us know.
